Verona Interfaces Modules Metadata


The initiative “Verona Interfaces” develops specifications for computer based assessment in education in Germany. Click here to learn more about it (German language only).

Go to the metadata specification

One part of the specifications are async interfaces for modules. These modules are html pages to be used in <iframe> elements in frontends of web applications. One part of the specification of the modules are metadata to be placed into the website as linked data script block.


<script type="application/ld+json">
        "$schema": "",
        "id": "iqb-editor-aspect",
        "version": "2.4.9",
        "specVersion": "4.0",
        "metadataVersion": "2.0",
        "type": "editor",
        "name": [
            "lang": "en",
            "value": "IQB Editor (Aspect)"
            "lang": "de",
            "value": "IQB-Editor (Aspect)"
        "description": [
            "lang": "de",
            "value": "Dieser Editor erstellt Aufgabendefinitionen in einem eigenen, JSON-Format. Anzeige- und Interaktionselemente können auf einer oder über mehreren Seiten frei oder in einem Grid positioniert werden."
            "lang": "en",
            "value": "This editor uses a JSON formatted unit definition. You can place elements for display or interaction purposes freely or in a grid on one or more pages."
        "notSupportedFeatures": ["log-policy"],
        "maintainer": {
            "name": [
                    "lang": "en",
                    "value": "IQB - Institute for Educational Quality Improvement."
                    "lang": "de",
                    "value": "IQB - Institut zur Qualitätsentwicklung im Bildungswesen."
            "url": "",
            "email": ""
        "code": {
            "repositoryType": "git",
            "licenseType": "MIT",
            "licenseUrl": "",
            "repositoryUrl": ""

Release notes


  • add metadata specification version to track changes
  • remove some entries in notSupportedFeatures for player due to removals in player specification 5.0
  • add dependencies


The work of this specification is licensed under CC0.


This specification is maintained by IQB - Institute for Educational Quality Improvement.

To contact people, please use this email:

You find the code of this ❤️ Quarto based website at GitHub.